News At A Glance #21

By ASH Smyth
August 2022

—    The Nelson Evening Mail, 2 October 1906

African hack may make you bigger.

Independent musicians thrive as pandemic silences Bollywood.

Dominic West has done a PhD on hydatid disease.

Once a week on the radio at Buenos Aires you can hear a programme all about flying saucers.

There’s no clinic for Communism.

Big girls don’t lick themselves.

In St Helena, they use frogs to make toad in the hole.

In Russia, women are allowed to work in whatever fields they wish.

A twitter-boned horse has a suppurating tumour on its foot.

British ambassadorial residencies have grand pianos in them.

Jesus Christ was given to the pun.

Donald Trump has denied any wrongdoing.

Archaic spelling is preserved as printed.

ASH Smyth

ASH Smyth is a reader, writer, boulevardier, and former breakfast DJ in the Falklands Islands


What a KUUincidence!

