‘The gall sprawls like a thought bubble coming out of the acorn head.’ A new poem by Nathan Koblintz.
A new poem by Jon Courtenay Grimwood.
Finishing the novel at take-off; For two marks.
‘Gaft’; ‘Riemann’s ladder’; ‘Cara whispers at night to Erik in bedstink—’; ‘Three sour tales’: four poems by David Oyston.
A poem for International Women’s Day by Josa Keyes.
New poetry by Nathan Koblintz.
On National Poetry Day, Nick Lezard sends a postcard from Putignano.
‘Mothering’; ‘A celestial catfish prefigures the behaviour of men on dating apps’; ‘In the British Museum’: three poems by Josa Keyes.
“But she is on the other side of this, whatever this is.” New poetry by Allie Bullivant.
Watching Attenborough’s Green Planet, Nicholas Lezard finds himself possessed by the spirit of Dorothy Parker.
On losing the elastication in one’s trousers / Death by Vegemite poisoning / Some lost Shakespearean sexiness / An awful book cover / A poem about having one or more bar stools up my bum
Bag for Life / Fair Trade tea / Christ – crucified, resurrected and exalted… at ASDA
The housewarming / ASDA terror attack / The tinned meat aisles
“Puffed up Autumn ain’t so great” — New poetry by award-winning author Anthony McGowan.
“All solo was the skywalker / And the death stars outglobe.” New poetry by Adam Roberts.
New poetry by Allie Bullivant
If the devil is in the details
then God…
In a dim corridor they keep
a hundred nursing madonnas