News At A Glance #38

By ASH Smyth
May 2023

—    The Nelson Evening Mail, 2 April 1907

Sheep love a good old armpit scratch.

There is a city in Brazil called Uberlandia.

All trains go to Waterloo.

Eighty percent of the water in Anguilla is lost.

Roald Amundsen did not prepare himself well for the Equator.

Church candles are different from normal candles.

The Falkland Islands is committed to the International Convention against Doping in Sport.

Wraps contain eggs.

A jacal is an adobe abode.

It is only with King Harald the Fine-Hair that history proper begins.

Leonard Rossiter was a champion squash player.

The ocarina is misplaced.

You have to have the ankles for digging a grave.

ASH Smyth

ASH Smyth is a reader, writer, boulevardier, and former breakfast DJ in the Falklands Islands


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