News At A Glance #39
By ASH Smyth
July 2023
— The Nelson Evening Mail, 12 October 1906
Man that is born of a woman hath but a short time to live.
Ricky Ponting was literally a chad for his country.
All of Milan Kundera’s books are available on Kindle.
97% of Americans can’t pass a quiz.
Canada produced 800,000 military trucks in WW2.
Welsh whisky can only be made in the principality.
Learners with autism have spikey profiles.
Bangui consists of eight arrondissements, 16 groupements, and 205 quartiers.
Julius Caesar invented a lot.
History has little regard for individuals.
Emma Thompson is describing herself as a libertarian anarchist.
The taxonomy of kumquats is disputed.
Boredom is quite a big problem in the Falklands.