News At A Glance #6
By ASH Smyth
May 2022
— The Nelson Evening Mail, 10 April 1907
The kingdom of God is not in Word but in PowerPoint.
Every Antarctic travel book reports on elephant seals to some extent.
Young bones heal too fast.
Adult men in Norway are never addressed as ‘Mister’.
Pebble Island is being sold by the ancestors of John Markham Dean, who bought it from the British government in 1869.
Catullus wrote a lot of dirty poems.
Geniuses have no sex.
The Slavic people by luck in war are elevated to a very high level.
Callum Beattie had his hair cut on the Ides of March.
Argentina is too far south.
53 species of Mexican agave are used to make mezcal.
Bristol University was founded 70 years after the end of the slave trade in the UK.
A little self-knowledge is a dangerous thing.