Ice, Ice, Maybe: A Grey Glacier Diary
Wet feet, pisco sours, and the wonders of nature in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field.
Power and Glory
How It Started… How It's Going. Alexander Larman writes his way into a trilogy about the Windsor family.
Four Poems by David Oyston
‘Gaft’; ‘Riemann’s ladder’; ‘Cara whispers at night to Erik in bedstink—’; ‘Three sour tales’: four poems by David Oyston.
There’s Something About Mary & George
Pete Langman raises an eyebrow at Sky’s sexy TV ‘history’ antics.
A Bold New Future for the Arts in the UK
“Our highly-trained cormorant chorus represents the very best of Brexit Britain.”
My Unconscious Biases
Sentences from my new book flagged for correction by the Inclusiveness Editor in Microsoft Word. (With suggested corrections.)
Full inventory of souvenirs and other purchases from my trip to Lima and environs, last December.
Blue Is The New Plaque
On the sanctity of Britain’s blue plaque scheme—and the delightful hoaxes it inspires.
All I Want for Christmas is... Books!
UPDATED DAILY from December 1 through to December 24, Emigre writers on the books they would be happy to receive for Christmas.
Remember Me
An extract from Remember Me by Charity Norman, winner of the 2023 Ngaio Marsh Award for Best Novel.